Tuesday, 27 December 2011

ya allah...da nk final da..lg bpe ari je lg..takutnye tuhan saje yg twu..fuhh!aq cbe utk fokus study..tp perasaan aq bercampur aduk..takut,sedih,hepi,...hmmm mcm2 laa.aq cbe n berusaha buat yg terbaik utk sem ni..sume org nk pass sume subjek..tp what we can say..if it still cannot pass..but,i will try my best!will put all my effort to study..hop Allah will help me..ottakatchi?Aigoo..

Saturday, 17 December 2011

gmbr ni sje letak..hokhok..xlme ag kn nk krismas..posing ble owg xde!!kekeke..

hmm..feel so good coz can get a rest at my sweet home..for this 2 weeks was very tired..a lot of things to do..make me feel stress!!but now..everything was settled and finished!right now,i've just to get ready for final exam..kacha...kim u can do it!fighting!!!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Monday, 5 December 2011

good mownink guys!start a new day with a hepy smile...cehh..bmadah la plok..
bgn je dr tdo..trus igt assgnmt..
smpi tbwk2 dlm mimpi u..
cne la nk sym..assgnmt bertimbun ni...
duk usaha menyiapkan segala2 keje ni..
~fighting Kim!
~"jika ko fkirkn ko bole,ko pasti bole melakukan..jika ko fkirkn ragu2,usaha tidak menentu..wah..wah..wah..
~gud luck to my pren kt KTA ni..pulun abih ke utk assgnmt n final..

p/s = smpi pkai spek mate itam g kls(bgye la konon.. tp,gara2 mata bengkak n sembab xtdo mlm!huhu..
(^~^)V peace!!!!!!
salam n hi everyone..this week is a tough week also next week!a lot of work to do n must be completed as soon as possible..i hope i still have the strength to finish all my home work..so i can sleep very beautifully and get a nice dream about anything~like to dream about my future money..future husband..my heechul oppa..last but not least,my beloved mother..what anm i talking about!!hahahaha...back to normal KIM!!!!oww!
actually,i dunno what my point is..my fingers cannot stop typing..hahaha..
hmm..rite now i really want :
  •            hot chocolate...slurppp!!yummy..
  •                           my mommy~miss a lot
  •                                       my lover~take care dear..

tht's it!everyone..nothing more to say..my head start to feel really heavy..thts mean i have to go to sleep rite now..to my frens a.k.a. my beloved followers tq so much!!mmuah2x..have a nice day nad dream..kekeke..
p/s: gud nite!

i've try my best to do the best and to be the best..

How to Download

Downloading is the process of copying a file (such as a game or utility) from one computer to another across the internet. When you download a game from our web site, it means you are copying it from the author or publisher's web server to your own computer. This allows you to install and use the program on your own machine.
Here's how to download a file using Internet Explorer and Windows XP. (This example shows a download of the file "dweepsetup.exe" from Dexterity Games.) If you're using a different browser such as Netscape Navigator or a different version of Windows, your screens may look a little different, but the same basic steps should work.
  1. Click on the download link for the program you want to download. Many sites offer multiple download links to the same program, and you only need to choose one of these links.
  2. You may be asked if you want to save the file or run it from its current location. If you are asked this question, select "Save." If not, don't worry -- some browsers will automatically choose "Save" for you.
    File Download
  3. You will then be asked to select the folder where you want to save the program or file, using a standard "Save As" dialog box. Pay attention to which folder you select before clicking the "Save" button. It may help you to create a folder like "C:\Download" for all of your downloads, but you can use any folder you'd like.
  4. The download will now begin. Your web browser will keep you updated on the progress of the download by showing a progress bar that fills up as you download. You will also be reminded where you're saving the file. The file will be saved as "C:\Download\dweepsetup.exe" in the picture below.
    Note: You may also see a check box labeled "Close this dialog box when download completes." If you see this check box, it helps to uncheck this box. You don't have to, but if you do, it will be easier to find the file after you download it.
    Download in Progress
  5. Depending on which file you're downloading and how fast your connection is, it may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to download. When your download is finished, if you left the "Close this dialog box when download completes" option unchecked, you'll see a dialog box like this one:
    Download Complete
  6. Now click the "Open" button to run the file you just downloaded. If you don't see the "Download complete" dialog box, open the folder where you saved the file and double-click on the icon for the file there.
    What happens next will depend on the type of file you downloaded. The files you'll download most often will end in one of two extensions. (An extension is the last few letters of the filename, after the period.) They are:
    • .EXE files: The file you downloaded is a program. Follow the on-screen instructions from there to install the program to your computer and to learn how to run the program after it's installed.
    • .ZIP files: ZIP is a common file format used to compress and combine files to make them download more quickly. Some versions of Windows (XP and sometimes ME) can read ZIP files without extra software. Otherwise, you will need an unzipping program to read these ZIP files. Common unzipping programs are WinZIPPKZIP, and BitZipper, but there are also many others. Many unzipping programs are shareware, which means you will need to purchase them if you use them beyond their specified trial period.
Happy downloading!
These instructions were provided by Jason Strautman of Universal Hint System and Steve Pavlina of Dexterity Software. ASP members may copy these instructions to their own site if they wish. If you are not an ASP member, you may link to these instructions for the benefit of your readers, but please do not copy this page itself.
tension!!!!lain yg aq wt,lain plak yg jadi..ase cm nk hempas je laptop ni!!!!!!

Definition: local area network (LAN) supplies networking capability to a group of computers in close proximity to each other such as in an office building, a school, or a home. A LAN is useful for sharing resources like files, printers, games or other applications. A LAN in turn often connects to other LANs, and to the Internet or other WAN.
Most local area networks are built with relatively inexpensive hardware such as Ethernetcables, network adapters, and hubs. Wireless LAN and other more advanced LAN hardware options also exist.
Specialized operating system software may be used to configure a local area network. For example, most flavors of Microsoft Windows provide a software package called Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) that supports controlled access to LAN resources.
The term LAN party refers to a multiplayer gaming event where participants bring their own computers and build a temporary LAN.
Also Known As: local area network
The most common type of local area network is an Ethernet LAN. The smallest home LAN can have exactly two computers; a large LAN can accommodate many thousands of computers. Many LANs are divided into logical groups called subnets. An Internet Protocol (IP) "Class A" LAN can in theory accommodate more than 16 million devices organized into subnets.

Definition: The term WWW refers to the World Wide Web or simply the Web. The World Wide Web consists of all the public Web sites connected to the Internet worldwide, including the client devices (such as computers and cell phones) that access Web content. The WWW is just one of many applications of the Internet and computer networks.
The World Web is based on these technologies:
Researcher Tim Berners-Lee led the development of the original World Wide Web in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He helped build prototypes of the above Web technologies and coined the term WWW. Web sites and Web browsing exploded in popularity during the mid-1990s.
Also Known As: World Wide Web, The Web

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Renungan buat sahabat yang dikasihi.....
sahabat ibarat permata yang berharga....
bukan senang untuk mencari sahabat yang baik...
Sahabat yang baik tak pernah mengumpat di belakang sahabat baiknya,
sahabat yang baik tak pernah cemburu dengan kejayaan sahabat baiknya,
sebaliknya sahabat yang baiklah yang paling banyak membantu kawan baiknya untuk mencapai kejayaan...
Sahabat yang baik adalah orang pertama yang akan dicari bila tiba saat sedih atau gembira...
sahabat yang baik menjadi teman yang saling nasihat menasihati satu sama lain...
Sahabat yang baik tak pernah menpengaruhi sahabat baiknya ubtuk membuat perkara yang buruk dan sia-sia..
Sahabat yang baik sntiasa memberi peringatan kebaikan kepada sahabatnya.